Cleanfill definition and acceptance criteria
Clean fill is defined in Rule 5.5.48(a) of the ARP: ALW by reference to the MfE document A Guide to the Management of Clean fills, 2002 as:
“..material that when buried will have no adverse effect on people or the environment; and includes virgin materials such as clay, soil and rock, and other inert materials such as concrete or brick
that are free of:
- Combustible, putrescible, degradable or leachable components
- Hazardous substances
- Products or materials derived from hazardous waste treatment, hazardous waste stabilization or
- Hazardous waste disposal practices
- Materials that may present a risk to human health
- Liquid waste
Materials imported onto the site must not be from a known contaminated or high risk site – see examples below:
- Soil from a petrol station.
- Soil from a known contaminated site.
- Materials that may contain harmful Coal Tars
- Soil from a timber treatment plant
- Materials classified as contaminated
- Soils and materials from industrial farming operations.
Note: Contractors delivering material that does not meet the criteria outlined below will be liable for any remediation / disposal costs which are borne by Rock & Rubble. All information supplied to Rock & Rubble must be true and correct. Prepared by Rock & Rubble. Effective from 06 November 2015.